Jim Collins: And there's multiple pieces if you were eroding your capital structure, taking too big of a risk, we could go through a number of them. But, the biggest one is breaking Packard's Law. Packard's Law basically says, that if you allow growth in revenues, growth in scale, growth in complexity, growth in new adventures, to exceed your ability to have all of the key seats filled with the right people, to execute on that growth brilliantly, you will fall. So, really the throttle on growth, the constraint on growth turns out not to be external opportunity, and turns out not to be size of the market,or growth rates, it's one thing above all others. It's getting enough people in the key seats to execute on that growth brilliantly, which means then if you're an entrepreneur building a new company or a leader in China building a company, one part of it is, "I'm looking out there, what are the opportunities, what are the markets, what are my competitors..." These are all good things to do, but it means shifting your attention to say, but we can't pursue any of it that would break Packard's Law. So, my first task all the time has to be, how do I get enough of the right people? How do I put them in the right seats? How do I make sure that ability to get the right people keeps up with our opportunities? And then to have the discipline if you see that the growth is much larger than the people that you have, to say no to the growth. That's what the great ones do, they will say no to the growth. Because if you don't, you will all of a sudden have this gap between your people capacity and the opportunities and you'll leave yourself in peril. Second, what are the things that happen, how do you know if an undisciplined growth might be happening? Here's something that might seem surprising. I think it comes hand in hand with a rising bureaucracy. So, think about it this way, so you're going after these new opportunities. You're doing it, doing exciting new things. And all of a sudden once you've got all these, you're starting to have not as high of a proportion of people for key seats. So, what do you do? The right people don't need a lot of rules, a lot of management, a lot of people telling them what to do, because they're the right people. But, because you're starting to get a higher percentage of people who are not the right people. You start putting in place bureaucracies to deal with that, to compensate for that. But, we need rules to say this and rules to say that and then of course, what happens is the right people look at that and they start to chafe. And they say, and this happens to entrepreneurial companies, you watch entrepreneurial companies rise; they rise with out a lot of bureaucracy, a lot of really great people work really hard getting stuff done. And then all of a sudden it kind of reaches a certain point; it's like we've got to deal with the fact that we've got more people, we've got to make sure people do things, so now we're going to put in a bunch of bureaucracy. And all the people who created this success in the first place say, I didn't sign up for that, I'm out of here. So, those people start to be driven away by the rising bureaucracy, which means the percentage of seats filled by the right people starts to go down, and the response is: well, we need more bureaucracy. Which then, further drives the right people away, and tends to attract more of the wrong people. Which then causes you to put more bureaucracy in place, and you're just in a vicious cycle. Where if you go the other way, and you're saying, no I'm always going to focus on getting the right people where I have a minimal amount of bureaucratic rules, because the key is I have the right people, rather than the right rules, then what happens is you tend to keep the percentage high and don't get into that doom loop, but it starts over again, with the wrong people. And I think the third is, we were speaking about the Hedgehog Concept. And again, I've been reflecting on this idea, you know, there may well be a culture- specific fourth circle. I think that's a very, I don't know that yet, but I think it's a very provocative idea that there's a floating circle that is different depending in which culture you're in. But, in any case, you've got your intersecting circles and an undisciplined leader would say, we're going to do something big and bold and untested, a giant acquisition, a bold move into a new business, that clearly fails the three circle test. You're either not passionate about it, you truly can't be the best in the world at it; or it doesn't fit with your economic engine. Ignore one of those three and if you do that, you're making an undisciplined bid for more and for growth. So, the interesting thing is, it's not that folks become lackadaisical in order to stay at stage two, and we just sort of let growth go. What they do is they increase their discipline while they're also increasing their scale, their complexity, their revenues and opportunities. |
他們真正要做的是在擴大業(yè)務規(guī)模,、提升復雜程度,、利潤和機遇的同時加強自我約束。 |