通過為電動汽車提供關鍵部件,,印尼在中美兩國愈演愈烈的競爭中左右逢源。迄今為止,,印尼政府在兩個超級大國之間取得了微妙的平衡,。根據美國企業(yè)研究所(American Enterprise Institute)的數據,自2006年以來,,中國已在印尼金屬行業(yè)投資了172億美元,,最近中國還將大力投資當地的精煉產能。另有100億美元的投資正在籌備中,。美國企業(yè)研究所高級研究員德里克·斯瑟斯表示:“印尼引起了中國的關注,,因為它似乎是規(guī)模化采購金屬的最佳選擇,?!迸c此同時,作為中美分歧中的中立國,,印尼希望能夠向兩國供應大量大宗商品——即使其精煉廠的資金來自中國,。
印尼曾試圖復制其鎳礦戰(zhàn)略,禁止出口鋁土礦,、銅和錫等其他礦產,。對于印尼政府能否重復其在鎳礦方面的成功,,蓋夫卡爾研究公司(Gavekal Research)的烏迪思·西坎德持懷疑態(tài)度。他表示,,印尼在鎳生產方面“幾乎處于壟斷地位”,,但在其他金屬的生產方面,“卻面臨著更為激烈的競爭”,。還有許多國家可以供應這些金屬,。
印尼壟斷大宗商品市場的目的,是為了促進安曼礦業(yè)國際公司(Amman Mineral Internasional),、哈里塔鎳業(yè)公司(Harita Nickel),、默迪卡銅金公司(Merdeka Copper Gold)和默迪卡電池材料公司(Merdeka Battery Materials)等本土公司的發(fā)展,這些公司都登上了今年的《財富》東南亞500強榜單,。普拉博沃承諾要實現每年8%的經濟增長,。2024年第一季度,印尼國內生產總值增長了5.11%,,超出預期,。
批評人士稱,印尼在很大程度上未能堅持馬斯克懇求的后半部分,,即“以高效、環(huán)保的方式開采鎳礦”?,F任總統(tǒng)佐科·維多多曾承諾提高該行業(yè)的環(huán)境標準,,因為該行業(yè)與森林砍伐、空氣和水污染息息相關,。但印尼綠色和平組織(Greenpeace Indonesia)氣候與能源經理迪迪特·維卡克索諾表示,,全球對電動汽車的需求被政府“曲解”,并“被用來為開采鎳礦這種支持電動汽車行業(yè)的重要礦產提供正當理由,,但造成了極大的環(huán)境影響和破壞”,。他補充說,印尼政府正在用煤炭推動鎳產業(yè)的發(fā)展,,這將使印尼無法實現其排放目標,。
然而,印尼鎳產業(yè)發(fā)展最大的阻力,,可能來自電動汽車行業(yè)的困境,。BCA Research公司的杰西·庫里表示,整個電動汽車行業(yè)的降價“表明市場已經飽和”,。
本文發(fā)表于2024年6月/7月刊《財富》亞洲版,,標題為《印尼的鎳產業(yè)如何崛起?》(Has Indonesia hit the nickel jackpot?),。
通過為電動汽車提供關鍵部件,,印尼在中美兩國愈演愈烈的競爭中左右逢源。迄今為止,,印尼政府在兩個超級大國之間取得了微妙的平衡,。根據美國企業(yè)研究所(American Enterprise Institute)的數據,自2006年以來,,中國已在印尼金屬行業(yè)投資了172億美元,,最近中國還將大力投資當地的精煉產能,。另有100億美元的投資正在籌備中。美國企業(yè)研究所高級研究員德里克·斯瑟斯表示:“印尼引起了中國的關注,,因為它似乎是規(guī)?;少徑饘俚淖罴堰x擇?!迸c此同時,,作為中美分歧中的中立國,印尼希望能夠向兩國供應大量大宗商品——即使其精煉廠的資金來自中國,。
印尼曾試圖復制其鎳礦戰(zhàn)略,,禁止出口鋁土礦、銅和錫等其他礦產,。對于印尼政府能否重復其在鎳礦方面的成功,,蓋夫卡爾研究公司(Gavekal Research)的烏迪思·西坎德持懷疑態(tài)度。他表示,,印尼在鎳生產方面“幾乎處于壟斷地位”,,但在其他金屬的生產方面,“卻面臨著更為激烈的競爭”,。還有許多國家可以供應這些金屬,。
印尼壟斷大宗商品市場的目的,是為了促進安曼礦業(yè)國際公司(Amman Mineral Internasional),、哈里塔鎳業(yè)公司(Harita Nickel),、默迪卡銅金公司(Merdeka Copper Gold)和默迪卡電池材料公司(Merdeka Battery Materials)等本土公司的發(fā)展,這些公司都登上了今年的《財富》東南亞500強榜單,。普拉博沃承諾要實現每年8%的經濟增長,。2024年第一季度,印尼國內生產總值增長了5.11%,,超出預期,。
批評人士稱,印尼在很大程度上未能堅持馬斯克懇求的后半部分,,即“以高效,、環(huán)保的方式開采鎳礦”。現任總統(tǒng)佐科·維多多曾承諾提高該行業(yè)的環(huán)境標準,,因為該行業(yè)與森林砍伐,、空氣和水污染息息相關。但印尼綠色和平組織(Greenpeace Indonesia)氣候與能源經理迪迪特·維卡克索諾表示,全球對電動汽車的需求被政府“曲解”,,并“被用來為開采鎳礦這種支持電動汽車行業(yè)的重要礦產提供正當理由,,但造成了極大的環(huán)境影響和破壞”。他補充說,,印尼政府正在用煤炭推動鎳產業(yè)的發(fā)展,,這將使印尼無法實現其排放目標。
然而,,印尼鎳產業(yè)發(fā)展最大的阻力,可能來自電動汽車行業(yè)的困境,。BCA Research公司的杰西·庫里表示,,整個電動汽車行業(yè)的降價“表明市場已經飽和”。
本文發(fā)表于2024年6月/7月刊《財富》亞洲版,,標題為《印尼的鎳產業(yè)如何崛起,?》(Has Indonesia hit the nickel jackpot?)。
A site in North Konawe, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, mines nickel, the metallic element that’s a critical component in rechargeable batteries.
In mid-2020, an exasperated Elon Musk appealed for greater access to a commodity crucial to electric-vehicle battery production. “Any mining companies out there, please mine more nickel, okay?” he said on an earnings call. “Tesla will give you a giant contract for a long period of time if you mine nickel efficiently and in an environmentally sensitive way.”
The Tesla CEO soon found a supplier that could fulfill at least part of his request. In 2022, the EV maker struck a $5 billion deal to source nickel from Indonesia. The Muslim-majority archipelago of 280 million people has a landmass three times the size of Texas, scattered across an island chain spanning a distance comparable to that between San Francisco and Bermuda in the mid-Atlantic. Buried beneath its mangroves, ancient rainforests, and active volcanoes is the world’s largest reserve of nickel: 42% of the global supply. The metallic element is a component crucial to rechargeable batteries—including those in EVs—and to the world’s overall green transition.
As the EV sector has boomed, Indonesia’s government has sought to leverage this stockpile to jump-start its high-value manufacturing sector and stoke its economy. The strategy has already proved lucrative, but cashing in on the sought-after resource comes with challenges: Extracting it from the earth is a dirty, dangerous business. And sagging sales of EVs worldwide suggest that nickel, the resource one of the world’s richest men begged for a few years ago, may not be an easy pathway to prosperity.
Ever since Dutch colonists first discovered nickel in Indonesia in the early 1900s, it’s been at the center of battles over who gets to mine and sell it. In the past decade, the Indonesian government has set out an ambitious development plan that would give it definitive control over nickel and other commodities.
The government’s first step in capturing more of the nickel value chain was banning exports of the raw metal, which Indonesia first did in 2014. That means nickel isn’t just mined in Indonesia; it’s now refined in the country before it’s sent elsewhere. The result is clear: The value of Indonesia’s nickel exports has exploded from $1.06 billion in 2014 to almost $6 billion in 2022, according to United Nations data. Nickel prices have steadily appreciated in recent years, more than doubling to $21,690 per tonne from a historic low in 2016.
The government of President-elect Prabowo Subianto, who takes office in October, is likely to follow up with a second step in the development plan: a ban on the export of refined nickel, which would encourage manufacturers to set up factories in Indonesia. Companies including LG and Hyundai have already built battery and EV production facilities in the country.
By supplying a key component to EVs, Indonesia has landed squarely in the middle of an intensifying rivalry between China and the U.S. So far the government in Jakarta has struck a delicate balance between the two superpowers. China has invested $17.2 billion in Indonesia’s metals sector since 2006, recently pouring money into local refining capacity, according to the American Enterprise Institute. An additional $10 billion is in the pipeline. “Indonesia has grabbed Chinese attention because it appears to be the best metals choice at scale,” says Derek Scissors, senior fellow at the institute. At the same time, as a neutral country in the U.S.-China rift, Indonesia hopes it will be able to funnel vast quantities of commodities to both nations—even if its refiners are funded by Chinese money.
Indonesia has attempted to replicate its nickel strategy with export bans on other minerals like bauxite, copper, and tin. Udith Sikand of Gavekal Research is skeptical Jakarta can repeat its nickel success. Indonesia has a “near stranglehold” on nickel production, he says, but “faces a much more competitive landscape” for the other metals. There are plenty of alternative countries where companies can source their supplies.
Indonesia’s cornering of commodities is intended to boost the fortunes of homegrown firms like Amman Mineral Internasional, Harita Nickel, Merdeka Copper Gold, and Merdeka Battery Materials, all of which appear on the inaugural Fortune Southeast Asia 500 list this year. Prabowo has vowed to deliver annual economic growth of 8%. In the first quarter of 2024, Indonesia GDP grew 5.11%, surpassing estimates.
Still, continued growth is not guaranteed. Indonesia’s nickel push is under threat for the risks it poses to the environment and the people mining and refining the resource.
Indonesia has largely failed, critics say, to uphold the latter part of Musk’s plea—to “mine nickel efficiently and in an environmentally sensitive way.” Incumbent president Joko Widodo had pledged to improve environmental standards in the industry, which is associated with deforestation and air and water pollution. But Didit Wicaksono, climate and energy manager at Greenpeace Indonesia, says that global demand for EVs has been “misinterpreted” by the government and “used to justify exploiting nickel as a critical mineral commodity supporting the electric-car industry, causing extraordinary environmental impacts and damage.” The government is fueling the development with coal, he adds, which will leave the country short of its emissions targets.
And on occasion, nickel mining has proved deadly. In December, an explosion at a refinery owned by Tesla supplier Tsingshan, a Chinese commodities giant, killed 21 workers and injured dozens more. (The two firms did not respond to requests for comment.) Indonesian police have since brought charges of criminal negligence against two Chinese nationals.
The strongest headwind, however, may be the struggling EV industry. Price cuts across the sector “are signaling that the market is saturated,” says Jesse Kuri of BCA Research.
For now, though, Indonesia is charging ahead. When Musk visited Jakarta in late May to launch Starlink services, the government proposed that Tesla construct an electric-vehicle battery plant in the country. An official in charge of investment told reporters the Tesla boss said he would consider the offer, but Musk himself has given no comment.?
This article appears in the June/July 2024 Asia issue of Fortune with the headline, “Has Indonesia hit the nickel jackpot?”