????不久前,,美式連鎖餐廳奶昔小屋(Shake Shack)因去掉了炸薯條的波紋向消費者道歉。 ????然后,,波紋薯條又重見天日,。排隊等候幾個小時后,你就可以像以前那樣,,盡情享用這款美食,。盡管該公司CEO蘭迪?加魯?shù)俨]有為之前的過失真的說一聲“對不起”,但他指出,,奶昔小屋“沒有充分聽取大批熱愛我們經(jīng)典波紋薯條的粉絲意見,。” ????企業(yè)道歉并不是什么新鮮事,。即使最偉大的公司有時也會道歉,。還記得蘋果公司(Apple) 前任CEO史蒂夫?喬布斯向遭遇天線問題的iPhone 4用戶道歉嗎,?他說,蘋果將“賣命工作”以矯正這個問題,,最終為消費者提供了一個解決方案,。 ????這里我們整理了一些企業(yè)巨頭道歉的經(jīng)典案例: |
????Earlier this week, Shake Shack apologized for taking the ridges off their French fries. ????That’s right, the crinkles are back, and after waiting in line for a few hours you’ll be able to enjoy them as you did before. Although CEO Randy Garutti never quite said “I’m sorry” for taking them away in the first place, he did note that Shake Shack “never fully heard the legions of fans that loved our classic crinkle.” ????Corporate apologies are nothing new. Even the greatest companies have to issue a mea culpa from time to time. Remember Steve Jobs of Apple’s apology to users of the iPhone 4 who experienced antenna problems? He said Apple would “work its butt off” to correct it and offered customers a case to fix the flaw. ????Here are a few other classic apologies from corporate giants: |
????通用汽車公司(General Motors ) ????自今年1月份出任通用汽車公司新CEO以來,瑪麗?巴拉花了大量時間在道歉上,。她率領(lǐng)的這家底特律巨頭正處于一場巨大的風(fēng)暴中,,涉及數(shù)百萬輛汽車和多起人身傷亡事故的召回事件令通用汽車付出了高昂的代價。巴拉為此做了大量扎實的工作,,對那些因通用汽車點火故障而喪生或受傷的人士不斷地表示悔痛和同情,。 |
????General Motors ????GM’s new CEO Mary Barra seems to spend a great deal of her time apologizing since she took over at the embattled automaker in January of this year. She stepped into a storm at the Detroit company, which has been plagued by costly recalls this year involving millions of vehicles and a number of deaths. She's done a solid job of it, repeatedly expressing remorse for lives lost and people hurt because of faulty ignition switches in GM's cars. |