Erika Fry

????格溫妮絲?帕特洛 ????? 頭銜:創(chuàng)始人 ????? 公司:Goop ????Goop是帕特洛英文名字首字母的文字游戲,,是她創(chuàng)立的生活時尚網站的名字。雖說這個網站受人百般嘲弄,但它可不是兒戲,,它目前已吸引了逾百萬名訂閱用戶,,還啟發(fā)了勞倫?康拉德和勞倫?波茨沃斯等后來的模仿者。他們也希望成為像帕特洛這樣的教主,。除了網站,,帕特洛還推出了Goop品牌的烹飪書和城市導覽書籍。 |
????Gwyneth Paltrow ????? Title:Founder ????? Company:Goop ????The trend-setting actress's lifestyle site may be much ridiculed, but Goop -- the name is wordplay on Paltrow's initials -- has drawn over 1 million subscribers and inspired a handful of starlet imitators (see Lauren Conrad and Lo Bosworth) who are hoping to gain similar guru status. Beyond the website, Paltrow has put her Goop stamp on cookbooks and city guides. |