????作為全球頂尖的投資家,今年84歲的巴菲特每天是如何精神抖擻地起床,,帶著無限的精力面對這個世界的,? ????巴菲特曾說:“可口可樂占了我的四分之一?!?/p> ????當他昨天在電話里說起這番話時(我們正在談論他剛剛過世的一位朋友),,我還以為他說的是自己的投資組合。 ????巴菲特解釋道:“如果我每天吃2700卡路里,,其中有四分之一是可口可樂,。我每天喝至少五罐12盎司的可樂,,每天都是這樣?!?/p> ????大概只有他這樣一個持有160億可口可樂股票(該公司9%的股權(quán))的投資人,,才會保持如此奇特的日常飲食習慣。一罐12盎司的可口可樂含有140卡路里的熱量,。巴菲特說,,一般情況下,“我每天白天喝三罐,,晚上喝兩罐,。” ????在伯克希爾哈撒韋公司總部大樓的辦公室時,,他喝的是普通的可口可樂,;在家則喝櫻桃味的可口可樂。 |
????How does the world’s top investor, at 84 years old, wake up every day and face the world with boundless energy? ????“I’m one quarter Coca-Cola,” Warren Buffett says. ????When he told me this in a phone call yesterday (we were talking about the death of his friend, former), I assumed he was talking about his stock portfolio. ????No, Buffett explained, “If I eat 2700 calories a day, a quarter of that is Coca-Cola. I drink at least five 12-ounce servings. I do it everyday.” ????Perhaps only a man who owns $16 billion in Coca-Cola stock—9% of Coke, through his company, Berkshire Hathaway—would maintain such an odd daily diet. One 12-ounce can of Coke contains 140 calories. Typically, Buffett says, “I have three Cokes during the day and two at night.” ????When he’s at his desk at Berkshire Hathaway headquarters in Omaha, he drinks regular Coke; at home, he treats himself to Cherry Coke. |
????他解釋道:“我早餐時會喝一罐,,”并表示他喜歡配上薯條吃,。哪個品牌的薯條?他說:“我手頭上就有一罐UTZ薯條,?!盪TZ是一家位于賓州漢諾威市的零食公司。巴菲特說,,他曾和UTZ的管理層商談過收購這家公司的可能性,。 ????令公司投資人感到欣慰的是,巴菲特并非每頓早餐都對UTZ的薯條上癮,。他說:“今天早上,,我吃了一碗巧克力冰淇淋?!?/p> |
????“I’ll have one at breakfast,” he explains, noting that he loves to drink Coke with potato sticks. What brand of potato sticks? “I have a can right here,” he says. “U-T-Z” Utz is a Hanover, Pennsylvania-based snack maker. Buffett says that he’s talked to Utz management about potentially buying the company. ????Investors in Berkshire Hathaway may feel relieved that the CEO isn’t addicted to Utz Potato Stix at every breakfast. “This morning, I had a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream,” Buffett says. |
????當被問到高糖高鹽的飲食為什么能讓他看起來很健康的時候,,巴菲特答道:“我查過死亡率統(tǒng)計表,死亡率最低的是六歲兒童,。所以我決定仿照六歲孩童的飲食習慣,。”這位八旬老人補充道:“這樣做再安全不過了,?!保ㄘ敻恢形木W(wǎng)) ????譯者:樸成奎 ????審校:任文科 |
????Asked to explain the high-sugar, high-salt diet that has somehow enabled him to remain seemingly healthy, Buffett replies: “I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among six-year-olds. So I decided to eat like a six-year-old.” The octogenarian adds, “It’s the safest course I can take.” |