????查理·奧唐奈是風(fēng)投公司Brooklyn Bridge Ventures的負(fù)責(zé)人,在紐約市從事極早期投資,。他定期在博客網(wǎng)站This is going to be BIG!上發(fā)表文章,。
????譯者:Charlie ????? |
????Lastly, and this was a key factor for getting angel investors on board, was the opportunity for co-investing. Investing in a fund, to be honest, is kind of boring. Remember how important interestingness was to the wealthy? Who gets excited about handing their money to someone else--especially in an inspiring and cutting edge asset class like venture capital? If you're going to raise from individuals, you need to find ways of bringing them into the fold. I try to make it more interesting by being overly communicative and sharing my deal flow. In fact, all my investors not only hear from me regularly, but they're on a group LP list where they can talk to each other, and share other opportunities or industry news. My existing investors topped off the fund to the tune of nearly $2 million at the end after they had an opportunity to interact with more of the companies at my annual meeting. Find a way to get your inspiring founders in front of your LPs. ????Co-investing turned out to be an attractive offer to people. I was getting early enough into deals that I could share these opportunities with any potential angels that wanted to come in side by side. If you can hand someone a vetted stream of no-fee/no-carry deals for them to look at on their own, you've made a friend for life in the LP world. Luckily, some of my best performing deals, like Tinybop, Canary, and Floored, are ones where I was able to bring some of my largest investors in with me side by side. ????In the end, it was a long road, but well worth it--especially given that this is exactly where I want to be. It feels like people get excited about the idea of running a venture fund and being a VC, but don't actually take the time to really evaluate whether it's a life they want. ????You have to know yourself. I know I'm not an entrepreneur. I know I don't want to build a big firm and hire lots of people. I know the pay isn't what it would be compared to a larger firm--until the deals pay off and the carry kicks in anyway. I'm not going to make enough money doing this to buy the Mets, but I'm thrilled that I get to work with great founders and I'm lucky to have such great backers. I don't much care about that. I care about people, creativity, and inspiration. I care about New York and I'm psyched about Brooklyn. Go (Inter)Nets! ????Charlie O'Donnell manages Brooklyn Bridge Ventures, working on very early-stage investments in the New York City area. He blogs regularly at This is going to be BIG! ???? |