2秒1部:中國移動iPhone 5S預售火爆
????紐約的午夜時分(北京時間周四凌晨一點),,中國移動(China Mobile)北京店的手機預定網站更新了頁面上的圖片,,iPhone 5S醒目地出現在了湖面中。它等于明確地向世人宣告:全球最大無線運營商,、擁有7.5億訂閱用戶的中國移動將啟動移動版iPhone 5S的銷售,。
????網站上的宣傳語這樣寫道:“有種期待,值得等待”,。 ????蘋果內幕(AppleInsider)一位叫杰弗瑞的網友法布第一張網頁截屏時,,預定人數顯示為3004。僅僅過了6個小時,,截止美國東部時間早六點(北京時間周四晚七點),,預定人數已近達到17525。而且,,這個預定量還以每兩秒鐘一部的速率不斷增長,。不過,至于這個數字到底代表著實際的預定量,、還是頁面瀏覽量,目前還不得而知,。 ????這個驚人的數字是否意味著對于移動版蘋果手機長久以來的期待目前已經達到了頂點,?不盡然也。不過,,它或許是一個證據,,表明確實存在被壓抑的市場需求,。(財富中文網) ????譯者:王曉彤?? |
????Some time before midnight in New York (1 p.m. Beijing), China Mobile's (CHL) Beijing reservation website switched to attached image, strongly suggesting that the world's largest mobile carrier -- with more than 750 million subscribers -- was getting ready to offer Apple's (AAPL) iPhone 5S for sale. ????"Something worth waiting for," reads the banner, according to the Wall Street Journal's translation. ????When an AppleInsider reader named Jeffery snapped the first screenshot, the visitor counter displayed the number 3,004. By 6 a.m. Eastern (7 p.m. in Beijing) -- six hours later -- the counter hit 17,525 and was increasing at the rate of one every two seconds. Whether those numbers represent reservations or just page views is not clear. ????Proof that the long-awaited Apple-China Mobile deal has been consummated? Not quite. But evidence, perhaps, of pent-up demand. |