????如何才能在職場獲得成功,?如果有人要你用短短一句話來總結(jié),你會怎么說?去年,,史密斯雜志(Smith magazine)和美世咨詢公司(Mercer)把這個問題拋給了公眾,結(jié)果收到了數(shù)以千計的反饋,。他們從中遴選出了400條,,并集結(jié)成冊,取名《職場6字真言》,,其中包括以下一些金句: ????“勿以小人之心度人,。”(特里?埃德曼) ????“舍天才,,取良才,。”(拉瑞?布萊德利) ????“執(zhí)著勝于資歷,?!保灼?波來克) ????“做公司主人翁,。”(約翰?桑頓) ????“要數(shù)據(jù),?找秘書,!”(吉姆?伯曼) ????“記住保安和保潔的名字?!保ㄐl(wèi)斯理?考爾) ????“安逸使人落后,。”(黛比?比茨) ????“做事想在對方前面,?!保ㄉw瑞?貝爾斯基) ????“見怪不怪,其怪自敗,?!保ɡ?卡塞爾) ????“聰明反被聰明誤?!保ù靼?蒂奇奈爾) ????“多走動,,少電聯(lián)?!保ㄖ禧惾~特?莫斯帕斯) ????“不斷自我增值,。”(蘭德爾?雷恩) ????“不知為不知,?!保˙. 薩維爾) ????“擒賊先擒王?!保▌P西?史密斯) ????“你說行就行,,不行也行?!保ㄉ5?海莫雷恩) ????“快速失敗,。快速學(xué)習(xí),??焖偬岣摺,!保ㄊ返俜?羅賓斯) ????“團隊建設(shè)可免則免,。”(瑪麗?高登) ????“要撒野,,去外面,。”(卡羅爾?威爾森) ????“別讓老板措手不及,?!保_麗特?勞伊) ????“老板咆哮別發(fā)笑,。”(萊斯利?伍爾芙?布蘭斯科姆) ????想成為卓越的老板嗎,?那就繼續(xù)往下看吧,!下面短短幾句話的描述簡直可以作為卓越領(lǐng)袖的速成教材??纯催@些人何評論他們“曾經(jīng)遇到過的最好的老板”,。 ????“責(zé)任重于泰山,個人輕于鴻毛,?!保ò⒛菟?桑德斯) ????“少說多聽,進退有度,?!保U勃?邁爾斯) ????“從善如流?!保觳├?庫內(nèi)法爾) |
????If someone asked you to sum up in six words what you've learned so far about how to succeed in business, what would you say? When Smith magazine and consulting firm Mercer posed the question last year, they got thousands of entries, which they winnowed down to 400 for a book called Six Words About Work. A sampling of the winners: ????? "Always start with assuming good intentions." — Teri Edman ????? "Don't hire geniuses, hire capable people." — Larry Bradley ????? "Persistence has more value than qualifications." — Mitch Polack ????? "Work like you own the company." — John Thornton ????? "Need the facts? Ask a secretary!" — Jim Berman ????? "Know security guards, cleaners by name." — Wesley Coll ????? "You're not learning if you're comfortable." — Debbie Beets ????? "Do one more thing than requested." — Gary Belsky ????? "Screw-ups will happen. Just own them." — Kara Carthel ????? "Cutting corners only creates more paperwork." — Dyan Titchnell ????? "Walk the hall rather than call." — Juliette Mirsepasy ????? "Add value — otherwise you're a commodity." — Randall Lane ????? "If you don't know, say so." — B. Saville ????? "Get the hardest part done first." — Cathy Smith ????? "Pretend impossibilities are possible. They are." — Sandi Hemmerlein ????? "Fail fast. Learn fast. Improve fast." — Steven Robins ????? "Avoid all paintball team-building games." — Mary Gordon ????? "Go outside the building to scream." — Carol Wilson ????? "Surprise your spouse, not your boss." — Laureatte Loy ????? "Don't laugh while boss is ranting." — Leslie Wolf Branscomb ????And speaking of bosses, how about a 42-word crash course in how to be a great one? Consider these descriptions of "the best boss I ever had." ????? "Took responsibilities very seriously, not himself." — Anita Sanders ????? "Two ears, one mouth, engaged wisely." — Bob Myers ????? "Asked for ideas, and used them." — Deborah A. Cunefare |