
出版67年后,美國諷刺幽默領(lǐng)域龍頭《瘋狂雜志》將退出報攤,。 上周三晚些時候,,雜志前工作人員兼投稿人透露:今年8月之后《瘋狂雜志》將只能在漫畫商店購買和郵購。雙月刊會發(fā)行,,但僅包括以前發(fā)表的內(nèi)容,,只有年終特輯中會出現(xiàn)新內(nèi)容。 “我童年的夢想就是去《瘋狂雜志》工作,。這本刊物歷史悠久,,幾乎每一位我(或許還有你)尊敬的戲劇演員和作家都上過雜志?!鄙蟼€月辭職的《瘋狂雜志》前編輯艾麗·戈爾茨在推特(Twitter)上寫道,。至于其他高級編輯人員,上周早些時候似乎均已被華納旗下的雜志出版商DC娛樂公司解雇,。 |
MAD Magazine, once a touchstone of American satirical humor, is leaving newsstands after a 67-year history. MAD will after August only be available through comic stores and mail-order, former staffers and contributors revealed late Wednesday. There will still be bi-monthly issues, but they will only include vintage MAD material—the only new content will appear in end-of-year specials. “Working at MAD was a childhood dream come true. MAD is an institution with such a rich history. It informed just about every comedian and writer I (and probably you) look up to,” tweeted Allie Goertz, MAD’s former editor, who resigned last month—other senior editorial staff appear to have been laid off earlier last week by Warner-owned DC Entertainment, the magazine’s publisher. |

“聽說風行世界67年的《瘋狂雜志》將要停止發(fā)行,,我很難過,。”2015年曾經(jīng)擔任《瘋狂雜志》第一位客座編輯的“惡搞專家”艾爾·揚科維奇在推特上說,?!拔倚r候受影響之大簡直難以描述,幾乎是我喜歡惡搞的原因,。再見了,,美國有史以來最偉大的雜志之一。#感謝《瘋狂雜志》” 《瘋狂雜志》的影響力確實非常大,,不但諷刺電影和電視節(jié)目,,也諷刺政治和其他時事,風格在極不正經(jīng),、充滿無政府主義的輕蔑和敏銳洞察力之間轉(zhuǎn)換,。旅居古巴的漫畫家安東尼奧·普羅希亞斯創(chuàng)作的系列連環(huán)漫畫《間諜對決》(Spy vs Spy)凸顯了冷戰(zhàn)意識形態(tài)沖突多么荒謬,。剛開始做雜志折疊封底是為了評論諷刺20世紀60年代中期盛行的雜志插頁,沒想到最后持續(xù)了半個世紀,。 |
“I am profoundly sad to hear that after 67 years, MAD Magazine is ceasing publication,” tweeted“Weird” Al Yankovic, who in 2015 was MAD’s first guest editor. “I can’t begin to describe the impact it had on me as a young kid–it’s pretty much the reason I turned out weird. Goodbye to one of the all-time greatest American institutions. #ThanksMAD.” MAD was indeed incredibly influential. Veering between extreme silliness, anarchic disrespect and sharp insight, it satirized movies and TV shows, but also politics and other current events. Its Spy vs Spy strip, created by Cuban expat Antonio Prohías, highlighted the absurd side of the Cold War’s ideological clashes. Its fold-in back covers started as a satirical comment on the mid-1960s trend for splashy magazine fold-outs, but endured for half a century. |

但是雜志已經(jīng)不再像從前一樣是文化風向指標,。如今網(wǎng)絡(luò)和電視上更容易找到類似諷刺風格的內(nèi)容,雜志的讀者也因此減少,。 美國總統(tǒng)唐納德·特朗普經(jīng)常遭 《瘋狂雜志》諷刺,,最近他嘲笑民主黨總統(tǒng)候選人皮特·巴特吉,說他漏風嘴,,招風耳,,像極了《瘋狂雜志》的吉祥物阿爾弗雷德·紐曼(紐曼的口頭禪是: “什么,我擔心,?”),,剛開始巴特吉都不知道特朗普在說什么。 “說實話,,谷歌一下我才知道,。”巴特吉告訴美國政治新聞網(wǎng),?!奥牪欢赡芤驗橛写鷾稀N覜]明白其中典故,??赡苡悬c好笑吧。" 2017年年底,,DC漫畫將《瘋狂雜志》的辦公室從曼哈頓遷至加州伯班克時,,雜志經(jīng)歷了巨大調(diào)整。雜志的資深員工均未跟著搬走,,風格也因此突變,。比如,雜志對校園槍擊事件的報道比較嚴肅,。 DC拒絕就《瘋狂雜志》停止發(fā)行的原因發(fā)表評論,。(財富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:艾倫 審校:夏林 |
But the magazine ceased to be a cultural barometer some time ago. The audience for magazines is generally smaller than it once was, and a similar satirical vein is these days found far more easily online and on TV. When President Donald Trump—a frequent target of MAD’s barbs—recently mocked Pete Buttegieg by comparing his appearance with that of MAD’s gap-toothed, jug-eared mascot, Alfred E. Neuman (catchphrase: “What, me worry?”) the Democratic presidential candidate initially didn’t know what Trump was talking about. “I’ll be honest. I had to Google that,” Buttegieg told Politico. “I guess it’s just a generational thing. I didn’t get the reference. It’s kind of funny, I guess.” MAD underwent a dramatic shift at the end of 2017, when DC relocated its offices from Manhattan to Burbank, California. None of the magazine’s veteran staff came along, and MAD’s tone changed—for example, it carried a relatively somber spread about school shootings. DC declined to comment on the reasons behind MAD’s effective end. |