????隨著美國多地有史以來最冷的冬天之一終于過去,,是時候扔掉清雪鏟,,換下雪地胎,挑個陽光燦爛的日子出去撒歡了,。 ????沒有什么能比開著一輛敞篷車踏春更讓人感受到溫暖的天氣,。年輕人管敞篷車叫“ragtops”,英國人叫“活動車篷汽車”,,歐洲大陸人叫“活頂轎車”。但對我們大多數(shù)普通人來說,,敞篷車就是純粹的樂趣,。 ????以下謹為大家推薦10款敞篷車,讓你感受陽光在肩,,微風過耳,。 |
????After one of the most brutal winters ever for many parts of the country, it's time to put away the windshield scraper, swap out the snow tires, and think about sunny days ahead. ????And nothing says warm weather like a top-down ride in a convertible. Teenagers call them "ragtops," the Brits "dropheads," and continental Europeans "cabriolets," but for most of us, they're just plain fun. ????None too soon, here are my top 10 picks for driving around with the sun on your shoulders and the wind in your hair. |
????買車就像娶老婆,最好從熟悉的下手,。甲殼蟲將親切的外形,、毫無壓力的人體工學與出色的性能和敞篷設計融合在一起。不過自尊心敏感的男性要小心了:由于甲殼蟲經(jīng)常被當作“小妞車”,,想證明自己是“純爺們”的男同志可以選購渦輪增壓的R車型甚至是柴油版,。敞篷甲殼蟲的起價為每臺26,395美元。 |
????Since acquiring a convertible is like starting a relationship, it is best to begin on familiar ground. The Beetle combines a familiar shape and non-threatening ergonomics with decent performance and true open-air motoring. Caution, men with low esteem issues: VW Beetles are often stigmatized as "chick cars," meaning guys with something to prove should opt for the turbo-charged R model or even the available diesel. Prices start at $26,395. |