
????Uber,免費 ????有時候最好的小配件也可以是應(yīng)用,,而這方面大家目前的最愛是Uber,。只要是Uber在全球提供服務(wù)的眾多城市之一,用戶只需要點幾下,,它就能調(diào)一輛出租車,、豪華轎車或SUV到你的所在地。在《財富》雜志,,這往往意味著“布魯克林,、皇后區(qū)和舊金山比較荒僻的地方,”記者凱瑟琳?杜恩表示,??偩幹砝?加拉格爾也對這款應(yīng)用印象深刻。她說:“這可能是有史以來唯一一款讓這么多人在不知道價格的情況下買東西的消費品,。我甚至不注意,,也不關(guān)心我不知道價格這一點?!??? |
????Uber, free ????The best gadgets are sometimes apps, and one of our favorites by far is Uber, which with a few taps will dispatch a taxi cab, limousine, or sport-utility vehicle to wherever you're standing, as long as that's in one of the many cities around the globe that Uber serves. At Fortune, that most often means "desolate parts of Brooklyn, Queens, and San Francisco," reporter Catherine Dunn says. Assistant managing editor Leigh Gallagher is also impressed. "It's maybe the only consumer product in history that gets so many people to buy something without knowing the price," she says. "I don't even notice or care that I don't know."?? |