????到了十月份,吳昌俊預感到即將有大事發(fā)生,。隨著圣誕節(jié)的來臨,,產品需求激增。吳昌俊說:“大批訂單蜂擁而至,,我們只能盡力找人幫忙,。”說話的時候,,他正在家人的幫助下,,忙著組裝產品。 ????他從日產公司請了三個月的假,,但很明顯,,他已經不可能回去了。 ????他有點傷心地表示,,新得到的財富并沒有改變他日以繼夜工作的狀態(tài),。“我的女兒們有時候會懷念以前的日子,,那時候我有很多時間陪她們,?!眳遣∪蚤_著那輛陪了他12年的SUV,他的太太依然使用優(yōu)惠券,。他們的所有利潤都投入到公司當中,,全家正在尋找下一個殺手級的橡皮筋產品。 ????或許是地圖,,吳昌俊說道,。這一次還是特蕾莎給了他靈感——特蕾莎用五顏六色的橡皮筋做了一幅島國海地的地圖。 ????這或許真的可行,。畢竟,,制作地圖是比編織更古老的一門手藝。(財富中文網(wǎng)) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓?? |
????By October, Ng realized that something big was happening. In the run up to Christmas, demand soared. "Lots of orders were coming and we were trying to get help left right and center," says Ng, who was still assembling the kits at home with the help of his family. ????He'd taken a three-month sabbatical from Nissan, but by then it was clear he was never going back. ????Newfound wealth hasn't stopped him from working around the clock, he says, a bit ruefully. "My daughters sometime miss the old days when I spent lots of time with them." Ng still drives his 12-year-old SUV and his wife regularly clips coupons. All of their profits, meanwhile, get reinvested into the business as the family searches for the next killer rubber-band app. ????Maybe maps, Ng says. Again, it was his daughter Teresa who showed him the way—after making a colorful elastic map of the island nation of Haiti. ????Hey, it might work. Map-making, after all, is an even older craft than weaving. |