2014謳歌RLX ????過去幾年里,謳歌在設計上一直縮手縮腳,,除了那個鷹鉤鼻子的前格柵,,就沒拿出過一套令人矚目的設計來。而這款飽受期待的旗艦RLX的外觀還是老樣子,,沒能改變大家的印象,。丹?尼爾在《華爾街日報》(the Wall Street Journal)上對此評論道:“這款車的外形簡直像中世紀的手稿一樣沉悶乏味。那些猶豫不決的線條讓人覺得后側圍板看起來像是在往下垂,,使這款車看著像是一座拉著吊索的吊橋,。” |
2014 Acura RLX ????Acura has been stuck in a design funk the past few years, unable to develop a compelling theme beyond its beak-shaped front grille. The look of the long-awaited RLX, the brand's flagship, did nothing to change that impression. "The shape is as somber as a medieval manuscript," wrote Dan Neil in the Wall Street Journal, "and these wavering character lines induce moments of visual sag around the front quarter panels, making the car look like a suspension bridge that's sprung a few cables." |